You can use an Irish VoIP SIP Trunk with any SIP service or PBX in one of two ways. Instructions below are for FreePBX (CHAN_SIP) but amend for your own SIP/PBX service and preferred SIP stack.
OPTION 1 - Use IP based authentication for your account.
This option requires a fixed IP address and is designed to be used with a PBX primarily. Note you first need to add the IP of your PBX for access via your client area for the SIP Trunk service.
This option allows totally flexible caller ID from routes, extensions or call level through dial plan logic.
Your SIP Trunk does not register with our servers but calls can be made without registration.
Step 1
Add a CHAN_SIP trunk called IrishVoIP-Trunk. In SIP Settings -> Outgoing tab set Trunk Name to IrishVoIP-Trunk with Peer Details as
Step 2
Create an Outbound Route with the settings you wish to access for outbound calls.
A different caller id can either be set in each route and extensions can also pass their own caller id e.g. a direct dial number or a mobile number
For Example
To make people dial 9 for outbound create a Dial Pattern and include 9 in prefix and X. in dial pattern. Set caller id to +35311234567 (example number only).
This will route everything entered after 9 over Irish VoIP e.g 9017654321 will ring 017654321 over Irish VoIP presenting caller id +35311234567 unless the extension overrides caller id.
Choose the Irish VoIP trunk created above for routing, name the route and save.
Step 3
Reload Asterisk from the GUI by clicking Apply Config in the top right corner.
OPTION 2 - Use fixed caller id for number supplied on sign up
This option can be used with any SIP phone or PBX and does not require a fixed IP address
To make outbound calls from a regular SIP phone just follow our normal Call Plan settings instructions. Username/password is as you would have received on signup with username starting with ivwh-
With this option your SIP Trunk will register with our servers and authenticate username and password
Step 1
Add a CHAN_SIP trunk called IrishVoIP-Trunk. In SIP Settings -> Outgoing tab set Trunk Name to IrishVoIP-Trunk with Peer Details as
Step 2
Create an Outbound Route with the settings you wish to access for outbound calls.
For Example
To make people dial 9 for outbound create a Dial Pattern and include 9 in prefix and X. in dial pattern. This will route everything entered after 9 over Irish VoIP e.g 9017654321 will ring 017654321 over Irish VoIP.
Caller id will always be replaced with caller id element of IVWH-YOURCALLERID supplied on signup and will ignore all caller id settings from FreePBX.
Choose the Irish VoIP trunk created above for routing, name the route and save.
Step 3
Reload FreePBX from the GUI by clicking Apply Config in the top right corner.
That's it!
You can now make calls from your PBX using your Irish VoIP SIP Trunk. Remember to keep your account topped up as calls wont connect if you don't have balance
If you also purchased an inbound DID from Irish VoIP please see below on how to configure it